Avada Car Dealer News

Traffic Control Systems

Same Day Service Available!

Licensed and Insured.
Only $29 Service Call.

Why Choose Us?

  • Fast, Same Day Service

    We are able to perform any of our services the same day. Our team is experienced and they know their work, by that they do it quickly and efficiently.

  • Accurate

    All our services are well calculated prior to being performed in order to provide you with the best and most cost efficient solution. Therefore you can just sit back and relax while we repair your gate until it is as good as new.

  • Professional

    Our team of technicians is highly trained and experienced. We’ll do our very best in order to make you satisfied with our service by providing you with the best help, guidance and technical service.

Los Angeles Traffic Control Systems & Traffic Spikes

Access Masters is a full-service based in Los Angeles, for the installation of automatic traffic control systems. We install, maintain, and repair, automatic systems for traffic control, for both residential and business customers.

We provide you with the same-day installation and repair service, accurate installation, and professional technicians with years of experience. If you need to secure your parking area or control your driveway for a limited entry, we offer the latest barrier gate arms and automatic spikes, that will automate the entry and exit process and keep your space more private and secure from intruders or unauthorized visitors.

These automated systems are very flexible if you want to combine them with the other access control systems. They are durable, long-lasting, and they’re great for added security and increasing the value of your property. Barrier gate arms and automatic spikes are advanced devices, equipped with sensors and readers, so you don’t want to leave its installation to everybody. When it comes to traffic control systems, Access Masters provides you with the highest quality service available, at more than reasonable prices.

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